Nurses Educational Funds Scholarships
Award: $10,000
Applicant must be a registered nurse who is a member of a professional nursing association, enrolled as a student in a NLNAC- or CCNE-accredited nursing masters or doctoral program in a nursing or nursing related field with a minimum 3.6 GPA. GRE or MAT scores are not required. A $20 feel is required to cover processing of the online application.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study
- Nursing Administration (Post-R.N.), Nursing, Other, Nursing Education, Nursing, Family Practice (Post-R.N.), Nursing Science (Post-R.N.)
ANS Graduate Scholarship
Award: $3,000
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident enrolled in a course of study relating to a degree in nuclear science and technology. Applicant must be sponsored by an ANS local section, division, student branch, committee member or organization member.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study
- Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Physics
John and Muriel Landis Scholarship
Award: $4,000
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with greater than average financial need enrolled in a U.S. institution. Minority and female applicants are encouraged to apply; however, selection is without regard to race, creed, or sex. Applicant must be sponsored by an ANS local section, division, student branch, committee member, or organization member.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, College sophomore, Master's-level study, College freshman, Doctoral-level study, College junior
- Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Physics
John R. Lamarsh Memorial Scholarship
Award: $2,000
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident enrolled in a course of study relating to a degree in nuclear science and technology. Applicant must be sponsored by an ANS local section, division, student branch, committee member or organization member.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College senior
- Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering
Joseph R. Dietrich Memorial Scholarship
Award: $2,000
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident enrolled in a U.S. institution and must be sponsored by an ANS local section, division, student branch, committee member, or organization member.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College senior
- Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Physics
James F. Schumar Scholarship
Award: $3,000
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident pursuing graduate studies at a U.S. institution and must be sponsored by an ANS local section, division, student branch, committee member, or organization member.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study
- Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering
Alan F. Henry/Paul A. Greebler Scholarship
Award: $3,500
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident enrolled in a U.S. institution pursuing graduate studies in reactor physics. Applicant must be sponsored by an ANS local section, division, student branch, committee member, or organization member.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study
- Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Physics
Robert A. Dannels Memorial Scholarship
Award: $3,500
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident enrolled in a course of study relating to a degree in nuclear science and technology. Applicant must be sponsored by an ANS local section, division, student branch, committee member or organization member. Handicapped persons are encouraged to apply.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study
- Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Physics
ANS Sophomore Undergraduate Scholarship
Award: $2,000
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident enrolled in a U.S. institution and must be sponsored by an ANS local section, division, student branch, committee, member, or organization member.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College sophomore
- Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Physics
The National Federation of the Blind Scholarship
Award: $12,000
Applicant must be legally blind in both eyes, residing in and pursuing a full-time course of study in an accredited degree program in the United States or Puerto Rico. Online/print application form, personal essay, two letters of recommendation, proof of legal blindness, all post-secondary transcripts, and one interview with NFB state president required; financial need not required. One scholarship may be given to a student who is working full-time and attending part-time. Recipient must participate in the NFB Annual Convention (financial assistance for convention is in addition to the scholarship). The NFB Scholarship Program FAQ page contains tips for all applicants.
- Puerto Rico, United States
- Master's-level study, College junior, Doctoral-level study, College senior, College sophomore, College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Harry S. Truman Scholarship
Award: $13,500
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national, rank in top quarter of class, have outstanding leadership potential and communication skills, and be planning to pursue graduate school study to prepare for a career in government or public service. Recipient receives up to $30,000 for graduate studies.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, Master's-level study, Doctoral-level study
- All Majors Eligible
SEG Foundation Scholarship
Award: $14,000
Applicant must be a high school student who plans to enter college next fall or be an undergraduate or graduate college student whose grades are above average. Applicant must intend to pursue a college curriculum directed towards a career in applied geophysics or a closely related field, such as geosciences, physics, geology, or earth and environmental sciences.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, Master's-level study, College junior, College freshman, College sophomore, High school senior
- Geophysics and Seismology
Rudolph Dillman Memorial Scholarship
Award: $2,500
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen, be studying in the U.S., be legally blind, and be accepted into an accredited program. Selection is based upon transcript, three recommendations, and personal statement. One award is given to applicant who demonstrates financial need.
- United States
- College junior, College senior, College sophomore, Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study
- Education of the Blind and Visually Handicapped, Rehabilitation/Therapeutic Services, Other
Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Fellowship
Award: $40,000
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen with a minimum "A-" grade average during the last two years of undergraduate work pursuing a graduate degree in the applied physical sciences (no biological sciences). Students in joint professional degree programs (e.g., M.D./Ph.D.) are not eligible.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study
- Engineering, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, General
Walter Patterson Scholarship
Award: $1,750
Applicant must be enrolled at a BEA-member institution. Selection is based upon substantial evidence of superior academic performance and potential to be an outstanding contributor to the field. Applicant should demonstrate interest in the general field of broadcasting and have a high order of integrity and sense of responsibility.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, Master's-level study, Doctoral-level study
- Radio/Television
JCC Association Graduate Scholarship
Award: $10,000
Applicant must be committed to working in a Jewish Community Center full time for two years. Applicant must seek a master's degree in an area leading to professional careers in JCCs or affiliated agencies.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Master's-level study
- Health and Physical Education, General, Jewish/Judaic Studies, Business Administration, Social Work, Elementary Education, Health and Physical Education/Fitness, Other, Pre-elementary/Early Childhood/Kindergarten Teacher Education
Pro Deo and Pro Patria Scholarship
Award: $1,500
Applicant must be a member of the Knights of Columbus, Columbian Squires or the child of a member of the Knights of Columbus and must be attending a Catholic college. Selection is based upon academic excellence. Transcripts, test scores, autobiography, and recommendation required.
- United States
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Scholarship
Award: $2,000
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen, be a woman at least 21 years of age, have been out of school for at least two years, and hold membership in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Cronk, Mehring, and Piero/Wade scholarships are for undergraduate, graduate, professional, or vocational courses of study. Kahler/Vickers/Raup scholarship is for medical school study. Kemp scholarship is for minority laywomen in undergraduate, graduate, professional, or vocational courses of study. Knudstrup scholarship is for the occupation of Christian service through graduate study.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- No Restrictions
- All Majors Eligible
Child Welfare Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Applicant must be a Wisconsin resident who enrolled at an accredited school and is the child, wife, or widow of a veteran; granddaughters and great-granddaughters of veterans are eligible if they are American Legion Auxiliary members. Minimum 3.2 GPA and financial need required.
- Wisconsin
- Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study
- Education, Special Education, Other, Special Education
Oratorical Contest Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Scholarship is for the winners of the state oratorical contest; applicants are selected by schools and participate in district contests, followed by area and departmental finals. Applicant should see his or her local high school counselor for further information.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Oratorical Contest Scholarship
Award: $1,600
Applicant must attend an accredited high school in Illinois and compete in the state oratorical contest.
- Illinois
- High school junior, High school senior
- All Majors Eligible
Oratorical Contest Scholarship
Award: $1,550
Applicant must be a student under the age of 20, participate in local contests and must attend an Indiana high school. Speech must be on some aspect of the U.S. Constitution.
- Indiana
- High school freshman, High school senior, High school junior, High school sophomore
- All Majors Eligible
Oratorical Contest Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Applicant must attend an accredited high school in Iowa, enter the contest at the local level, and must plan to attend a college or university in Iowa.
- Iowa
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Oratorical Contest Scholarship
Award: $18,000
Applicant must be a United States citizen or legal resident under the age of 20 who is presently enrolled in a high school or junior school. Participation in the oratorical contest is required.
- Kansas
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Oratorical Contest Scholarship
Award: $2,500
Applicant must be between the ages of 16 and 19 and must compete in the oratorical contest.
- Maryland
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Oratorical Contest
Award: $1,000
Applicant must be a student under age 20 and enrolled as a junior or senior in high school at the time of contest.
- Massachusetts
- High school junior, High school senior
- All Majors Eligible
Oratorical Contest Scholarship
Award: $4,000
Applicant must be a winner in the New Jersey Department Oratorical Contest.
- New Jersey
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Oratorical Contest Scholarship
Award: $6,000
Applicant must be a US citizen or permanent resident. Applicant must compete at local, county, district, and zone levels; the five finalists may compete for this award.
- New York
- No Restrictions
- All Majors Eligible
Oratorical Contest Scholarship of Tennessee
Award: $3,000
Applicant must be under the age of 20 and be attending high school in Tennessee. An eight to 10 minute oration on some phase of the U.S. Constitution, emphasizing the attendant duties and obligations of a citizen to our government is required.
- Tennessee
- High school freshman, High school senior, High school junior, High school sophomore
- All Majors Eligible
Oratorical Contest Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Applicant must be a Texas resident, current high school student, be sponsored by an American Legion post, and compete in the state oratorical contest.
- Texas
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible