Paul Beeson Career Development Award
Award: $800,000
Applicant must have a clinical doctoral degree (M.D., D.O., D.D.S.) or its equivalent (this may include individuals holding both a M.D. and Ph.D. degrees as well as individuals with a Ph.D. in clinical fields such as clinical psychology, nursing, or physical therapy). Selection is based upon academic merit, the quality and originality of the research project, a well-developed mentorship plan, and the commitment of the sponsoring institution.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study
- Physical Therapy, Medicine (M.D.), Gerontological Services, Clinical Psychology, Nursing, Gerontology
Julie Martin Mid-Career Award in Aging Research
Award: $550,000
Applicant must be an Associate Professor who achieved tenured status after December 1, 2005. Applicants at institutions that do not offer tenure must demonstrate that their appointment is equivalent to that of a tenured Associate Professor. The proposed basic biology of aging research must be conducted at any type of not-for-profit setting in the United States. Selection based upon qualifications of the applicant, quality and promise of the the proposed research and excellence of the research environment.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Other postgraduate-level study
- All Majors Eligible
Glenn/AFAR Breakthrough in Gerontology Awards
Award: $200,000
Applicant must be a full-time faculty member at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher with a strong record of independent publication beyond the postdoctoral level. The proposed research in the basic biology of aging must be conducted at any type of not-for-profit setting in the United States. Former AFAR Research Grant awardees may apply.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Other postgraduate-level study
- Gerontology, Medicine (M.D.), Medical Clinical Sciences (M.S., Ph.D.), Gerontological Services
National Physical Science Consortium Fellowship
Award: $200,000
Applicant must be a member of an underrepresented minority group who is a U.S. citizen, has a minimum 3.0 GPA, and is planning to pursue graduate study in the physical sciences from a non-Ph.D.-granting institution.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Master's-level study
- Physical Sciences, General
Research Scholar Grants in Cancer Control: Psychosocial and Behavioral Research
Award: $200,000
Awarded to support investigator-initiated research projects in psychosocial, behavioral, and cancer control research, including epidemiological approaches to psychosocial and behavioral research.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Master's-level study, Doctoral-level study, Other postgraduate-level study
- All Majors Eligible
Research Scholar Grants in Cancer Control: Health Services and Health Policy Research
Award: $200,000
Awarded to support investigator-initiated research projects in health services and health policy outcomes research.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Other postgraduate-level study
- All Majors Eligible
Green Mountain First in Sustainability Scholarship
Award: $200,000
Applicants must be high school seniors applying for admission to Green Mountain College. Students must apply for and be accepted for the Fall 2017 session. Applicants must complete online application form including essay portion.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- High school senior
- All Majors Eligible
Mentored Research Scholar Grant in Applied and Clinical Research
Award: $135,000
Awarded to support mentored research by full-time faculty, typically within the first four years of their appointment, with the goal of becoming independent investigators in clinical, cancer control and prevention, epidemiologic, psychosocial, behavioral, health services and health policy research.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Other postgraduate-level study
- Health and Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Services, Other, Psychology, Other, Epidemiology
Leroy Matthews Physician/Scientist Award
Award: $130,000
Applicant must hold an M.D. or M.D./Ph.D and be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Award is for providing support for outstanding newly trained pediatricians and internists to complete subspecialty training, develop into independent investigators, and initiate a research program.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Other postgraduate-level study
- Pre-Medicine, Medicine (M.D.)
Design Innovation Scholarship
Award: $130,000
Applicant must be a FIRST Robotics Challenge or FIRST Vex Challenge participant and must demonstrate enthusiasm for engineering and science and potential for success as an engineer or scientist.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- No Restrictions
- All Majors Eligible
WPI/Allaire Future Engineering Leadership Scholarship
Award: $130,000
Preference is given to a FIRST Robotics Challenge or FIRST Vex Challange participant who is Native American, African American, Hispanic, and/or female.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- High school senior
- All Majors Eligible
Jeffrey and Regina Taussig Ohio Honors Scholarship
Award: $125,000
Applicants must be freshmen with a high school cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and reside in Ohio. Students must have participated in considerable co-curricular activities. Applicants must major in one of the following areas: biochemistry, biology, biology education, chemistry, chemistry education, computer science, engineering, environmental science, forensic chemistry or science, marine biology, mathematics, math education, pre-dental, pre-medical or pre-veterinary.
- Ohio
- No Restrictions
- Chemistry, Teacher Education, Pre-Medicine, Engineering, Chemical, Biology, Biology Education, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science/Studies, Marine Biology, Forensic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Pre-Veterinary Medicine, Pre-Dentistry, Forensic Science
J. Hugh and Earle W. Fellows Memorial Fund
Award: $120,000
Applicant must be a permanent resident of Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, or Walton County, FL, be of good moral character, and qualified scholastically and intellectually. Ministry majors must be associated with the Episcopal church or a faith whose religious beliefs are not in substantial conflict with the Episcopal church. Recipient must have been accepted by or be successfully pursuing training at an accredited college or university in the appropriate field of study.
- Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton
- College sophomore, College freshman, College junior, College senior
- Divinity/Ministry (Th.D., Th.M.), Nursing, Other, Medicine (M.D.), Divinity/Ministry (B.D., M.Div.), Medical Technology, Pre-Medicine, Nursing
Scholar in Clinical Research
Award: $110,000
Applicant must hold an M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent degree. Applicant is expected to hold an independent faculty-level position or equivalent for a minimum period of three years, and to have obtained substantial research support from a national agency. Proposed projects must relate to leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Other postgraduate-level study
- Medicine (M.D.), Medical Pathology, Medical Cell Biology, Pre-Medicine
Steven M. Thompson Physician Corps Loan Repayment Program
Award: $105,000
Applicant must be a licensed physician graduate who is practicing direct patient care within the state of California.
- California
- Doctoral-level study, Other postgraduate-level study
- All Majors Eligible
September 15 (preliminary application); October 1 (full application)
Scholarship Program
Award: $100,000
Applicant must hold an M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent degree with at least five years of independent research experience and is expected to hold an independent faculty-level or equivalent position. Minority and women investigators are encouraged to apply.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Other postgraduate-level study
- Medical Pathology, Medicine (M.D.), Medical Cell Biology
Translational Research Grant
Award: $100,000
Applicant must hold an M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent degree. Applicant must be working in a domestic or foreign nonprofit organization, such as a college, hospital, laboratory, etc. Applications from LLS awardees, minority, and women investigators are encouraged. Selection is based upon novel approaches relevant to the treatment of hematopoietic malignancies. Proposals must be conceptually and rationally based upon molecular, cellular, or pharmacologic lab studies.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Other postgraduate-level study
- Medical Cell Biology, Pre-Medicine, Medicine (M.D.), Medical Molecular Biology, Medical Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Award: $100,000
Applicant must hold a D.O., D.V.M., M.D., or Ph.D. Competitive award renewal application after two years.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Other postgraduate-level study
- Medical Clinical Sciences (M.S., Ph.D.), Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.), Medicine (M.D.), Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.)
Harry Shwachman Clinical Investigator Award
Award: $100,000
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident and a clinically trained physician who will develop into an independent biomedical research investigator actively involved in a cystic fibrosis-related area.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Other postgraduate-level study, Doctoral-level study
- Pre-Medicine, Medicine (M.D.)
First Wednesday of January (first two years); First Wednesday of September (third, fourth, fifth years)
Clinical Fellowship
Award: $100,000
Applicant must be eligible for Board certification in pediatrics or internal medicine when the fellowship begins and be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Award is to encourage specialized training early in a physician's career and to prepare candidates for careers in academic medicine. Training will take place in a Cystic Fibrosis Foundation care center and must encompass diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, comprehensive care, and cystic fibrosis-related research.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Other postgraduate-level study, Master's-level study, Doctoral-level study
- Medicine (M.D.), Pre-Medicine
Intel Science Talent Search Competition
Award: $100,000
Applicant must be in their last year of secondary school in the United States or be a United States citizen attending an accredited American or international school abroad temporarily. Applicant must have performed independent science research and write a research report with their findings. Selection is also based upon recommendations, grades, test scores, essay questions, and school transcript.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- High school senior
- All Majors Eligible
Modeling and Acting College Tuition Scholarship
Award: $100,000
Applicant must be between the ages of 13 and 18 and submit the application form on the sponsor's site. Recipient will be chosen by random drawing. Only email entries will be accepted.
- United States
- High school senior, High school junior, High school freshman, High school sophomore
- All Majors Eligible
Charles A. Lindbergh Chair in Aerospace History
Award: $100,000
Applicant must be a scholar who has distinguished records of publication who is working on, or anticipates working on, books in aerospace history. Award is for a 12 month fellowship; support is available for replacement of salary and benefits.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Other postgraduate-level study
- All Majors Eligible
Tuition Giveaway Contest
Award: $100,000
Applicant must be a student between the ages of 18 and 24. Required to describe an original goal and then submit video once applicant reaches 50 votes.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, High school junior, High school sophomore, High school freshman, College sophomore, College freshman, High school senior, College senior
- All Majors Eligible
Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology
Award: $100,000
Students must submit research reports either individually or in teams of two or three members. Individual applicants must be high school seniors. Team project applicants must be high school students but do not need to be seniors. Projects may be scientific research, technological inventions or mathematical theories.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- High school sophomore, High school senior, High school freshman, High school junior
- All Majors Eligible
Tuition Giveaway
Award: $100,000
Applicants must be U.S. residents age 18 and older. Applicants between the ages of 18 and 24 must get votes in order to submit a video and are eligible for up to $100,000 in tuition.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College sophomore, College freshman, College junior, College senior, High school senior
- All Majors Eligible
Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowships for Recently Tenured Scholars
Award: $95,000
Applicants must be recently tenured humanists and must be employed in tenured positions at U.S. degree-granting institutions during the fellowship. An application, a proposal, a bibliography, a publications list, three reference letters and one institutional statement are required. Previous supported research leaves does not affect eligibility.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study, Other postgraduate-level study
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
Clinical Research Professorship
Award: $80,000
Applicants must be beginning investigators or developing clinical researchers at collegiate.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Other postgraduate-level study
- Clinical Laboratory Technology, Medicine (M.D.), Pre-Medicine, Epidemiology, Psychology, Other, Psychoanalysis, Health and Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Services, Other
Research Professorship
Award: $80,000
Applicants should submit in writing, a curriculum vitae and complete bibliography and a cover letter that briefly describes their seminal contributions to science.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Other postgraduate-level study
- Health and Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Services, Other, Epidemiology, Psychology, Other
IWC Master of Integrated Water Management Scholarship
Award: $79,311
Applicant must apply for the MIWM program through The University of Queensland (UQ) and receive an unconditional offer of admission in the program. Applicant must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements: A completed undergraduate degree in a related field of study from an internationally-recognized institution; at least two years of professional experience (paid work or volunteering experience) relevant to the program and following completion of an undergraduate degree. Applicants with relevant professional experience have a higher chance of securing a scholarship. International students must also demonstrate English language proficiency.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College senior, College freshman, College sophomore
- Water Resources Engineering, Water Transportation Workers, Other, Water Quality/Coldwater Fisheries or Conservation, Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Tech./Technician