Association of the Sons of Poland Achievement Award
Award: $50
Applicant must be a member of the Association of the Sons of Poland for at least two years and be insured by the Association. Selection is based upon high school transcript, letter of application, character, and leadership qualities.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Ronald E. McNair Scientific Achievement Award
Award: $50
Applicant must have a minimum 3.5 GPA, be a member in good financial standing of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, and submit an official transcript.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior
- Physical Sciences, General, Biological and Physical Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Social Sciences, General
Fred and Annie Roeben Jazz Scholarship
Award: $50
Applicant must be a student who is a participant in the jazz ensemble and improvisation classes, have a letter of reference from a jazz/music instructor at the college, and be a part-time student.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman, College junior, College sophomore, College senior
- All Majors Eligible
Joyce Kovacs Scholarship
Award: $50
Applicant must be a Buena High School Junior who is planning on taking courses at Cochise College during his/her high school senior year.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior
- All Majors Eligible
The Nicholas A. Virgilio Memorial Haiku Competition
Award: $50
Applicant must be a junior high or high school student. Unpublished, original haiku is required. May submit up to three haiku per student.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- High school freshman, High school sophomore, High school senior, High school junior
- Writing and Poetics
CPI Journalistic Photo Contest
Award: $50
Students must be riders in the College Preparatory Invitational and be students in grades 8 through 12. Competition is based on photographs that can tell the story of the CPI Horse Show and that are taken during the three-day event and are submitted into one of eight different categories.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- High school senior, High school freshman, High school junior, High school sophomore
- All Majors Eligible
Ministry Scholarship
Award: $60
Applicant must be a member in good standing of a Baptist church so that they will be able to provide local approval (certification), license, or ordination papers from a Baptist church.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman, College junior, College senior, College sophomore, Master's-level study
- All Majors Eligible
W. Seward Salisbury Award
Award: $75
Applicant must complete all basic major requirements, have a minimum cumulative 3.2 GPA, and minimum sociology 3.5 GPA.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior
- Sociology
Edward C. Lee Memorial Scholarship
Award: $75
Applicant must be a resident of Reading, MA who will pursue undergraduate studies, or a graduating senior from Reading Memorial High School.
- Reading
- College junior, College freshman, College sophomore, High school senior, College senior
- All Majors Eligible
Georgia Barnes Scholarship
Award: $80
Awarded to the outstanding senior English major at the Spring Honors Convocation. Applicant is nominated by the English Department.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, College junior
- English/English Literature, English Language and Literature/Letters, Other
Small Cash Grant
Award: $100
Applicant must be a certified, regular, associate, student member of ASCET, or a high school senior in the last five months of the academic year who have passing grades. Letters of recommendation required.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, College freshman, College sophomore, College junior
- Engineering-Related Technol./Technicians, Other
Worchid Scholarship
Award: $100
Applicant must be an Illinois resident attending school in Illinois, and submit ACT scores, transcripts, rank in class, and tax forms. Applicant must be a Worchid, which means the child of a deceased veteran who served after September 15, 1940 and was honorably discharged.
- Illinois
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Ron Haller Memorial Scholarship
Award: $100
Applicant must be a full-time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicant must be a graduate of Fruita-Monument High School (CO).
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Liff Nursing Scholarship
Award: $100
Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, College sophomore, College junior
- Nursing, Other
Robert L. Quimby Memorial Fund
Award: $100
Applicant must be a woman, an athlete, and a full-time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, College sophomore, College junior
- All Majors Eligible
Debra Anne Wiltgen Memorial Scholarship
Award: $100
Applicant must be a full-time student with financial need.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College sophomore, College senior
- Music
Roberta Peck
Award: $100
Applicant must submit a work of fiction to the "Literary Review."
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, College junior, College sophomore
- Creative Writing
Pi Kappa Delta Scholarship II
Award: $100
Applicant must have a minimum 2.3 GPA, rank in the top half of class, have a minimum combined SAT I score of 970 (composite ACT score of 21), and be active in forensics. Two letters of recommendation required.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College senior, College sophomore, College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Kappa Omicron Nu Scholarship
Award: $100
Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and be a member of Kappa Omicron Nu. Three letters of recommendation required.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, College sophomore, College junior
- Social Sciences, General
Aline Mertens Art Scholarship
Award: $100
Applicant must participate in art exhibit, two letters of recommendation required.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College sophomore, College senior, College junior
- Art, General
Communications Radio/TV Scholarship
Award: $100
Applicant must have a minimum 2.0 GPA. Two letters of recommendation required.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College sophomore, College senior, College junior
- Communications
Mathematics Department Scholarship
Award: $100
Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College senior, College sophomore
- Mathematics
Brookshire Politics Scholarship
Award: $100
Essay required.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, College sophomore, College junior
- Political Science, General
Pi Kappa Delta Scholarship I
Award: $100
Applicant must have a minimum 2.3 GPA and be active in forensics. Three letters of recommendation required.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College sophomore, College senior
- All Majors Eligible
T.A. Students in Bilingual Education Scholarship
Award: $100
Applicant must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and must be a TASBE member. Two letters of recommendation required.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College sophomore, College senior, College junior
- Bilingual/Bicultural Education
Health and Physical Education Club Scholarship
Award: $100
Applicant must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and be a Health and Physical Education Club member. Two letters of recommendation required.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College sophomore, College junior, College senior
- Physical Education
Industrial Technology Scholarship
Award: $100
Applicant must have completed at least 15 semester hours and a minimum 3.8 GPA.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College sophomore, College junior, College senior
- Industrial/Manufacturing Tech./Technician
Women's Involvement Scholarship
Award: $100
Applicant must be a female degree-seeking student enrolled in at least three semester hours, have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA (undergraduates) or 3.5 cumulative GPA (graduates), and be a U.S. citizen and resident of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, or Texas residing in school's service area. Tax forms required.
- Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas
- College senior, College junior
- All Majors Eligible
AFSCME Local 2421 Scholarship
Award: $100
Applicant must be a student from one of 13 designated Lancaster County secondary schools.
- Lancaster
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
David, Nancy, and Liza Cherney Scholarship Fund
Award: $100
Applicant must be female, Jewish, demonstrate financial need, and be a resident of Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, or Sonoma County, Calif.
- Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma
- Master's-level study, College senior, College freshman, College sophomore, Doctoral-level study, College junior
- All Majors Eligible