ACL/NJCL National Latin Exam Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Applicant must take the ACL/NJCL National Latin Exam. Scholarship letters with instructions for how to apply will be automatically mailed to those who qualify based on exam results.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Cloisters Summer Internship for College Students
Award: $3,250
Preference is given to first- and second-year students. Award includes intensive training in museum teaching techniques. Recipient will conduct gallery workshops for groups of New York City day campers in the Cloisters (a medieval European branch museum).
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College sophomore, College senior
- Art History, Criticism and Conservation
Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship
Award: -
Applicant must have a strong caddie record, excellent academics, outstanding character, and be able to demonstrate financial need. High school evaluation, caddie evaluation, and official financial documentation including a copy of parents' most recent federal tax return and the required College Scholarship Service Financial Aid Profile are required.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
James Michael Haskell Memorial Scholarship
Award: $2,500
Awarded to the most outstanding students from Washington state who also demonstrate financial need. Separate application is not required.
- Washington
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Multicultural Achievement Program Scholarship
Award: $2,000
Applicant must demonstrate a commitment to multicultural issues and activities.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
President's Scholarship
Award: $500
Selection is based upon superior academic ability.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Alumni Board Scholarship
Award: $3,000
Applicant should have a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA, show a strong desire to succeed, and demonstrate a diverse background in school and community activities. Financial need is considered.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman, College junior, Master's-level study, College senior, College sophomore
- All Majors Eligible
Northwest Indian College Scholarship
Award: $3,000
Applicant must be a graduate of Northwest Indian Coll and demonstrate financial need.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Master's-level study, College senior, College junior
- All Majors Eligible
Donald H. Cole Graduate Fellowship
Award: $3,000
Applicant must be a student in the Master's Business Administration program.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Master's-level study
- Business Administration
Paul and Jeannette Woodring Scholarship
Award: $3,100
Applicant must have pre-college test scores in the top ten percent, have at least 30 college credits, and be preparing for a career in public school teaching at the elementary or secondary school level.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, College junior, Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study
- Education, Elementary Education
Patrick L. Monahan Memorial Scholarship
Award: $3,000
Applicant must demonstrate promise of significant professional contributions.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, Master's-level study, College senior, Doctoral-level study, College sophomore, College freshman
- Geography, Architecture and Design
U.S. Bank Minority Scholarship
Award: $2,000
Applicant must be a declared major in a College of Business and Economics program, have a permanent residence in a community served by U.S. Bank, and demonstrate strong academic merit and potential. Applicant must be an African-American, Native American, Hispanic-American, or Asian/Pacific Islander.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College sophomore, College senior
- Business Administration, Economics
Presser Foundation Scholarship
Award: $3,000
Applicant must be nominated by the music department faculty.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior
- Music
Knapman Chemistry Scholarship
Award: $2,000
Applicant must have completed or be currently enrolled in Chemistry 353. Selection is based upon superior talent and achievement in chemistry or biochemistry.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College senior, College sophomore
- Biochemistry, Chemistry
1st Marine Division Association Scholarship
Award: $1,750
Applicants must be dependents of honorably discharged veterans of the 1st Marine Division or units attached to or supporting the Division who are now deceased or totally and permanently disabled for any reason. Applicants must attend an accredited university as full-time undergraduate students.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, College sophomore, College junior, College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Hutton Honors College Scholarship
Award: $6,000
Applicant must rank in the upper 10 percent of their graduating class, have a minimum combined SAT score of 1300 and/or a composite ACT score of 30, in addition to being admitted to the university by December 1 of their high school senior year. Selection for scholarship is based upon standardized test scores, high school academic performance, quality of writing in the essays on the application, letters of recommendation, and participation in extracurricular activities and work experience.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Delta Gamma Foundation Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Applicant must be a member of Delta Gamma fraternity.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College sophomore, College senior
- All Majors Eligible
College Fee Waiver
Award: -
Applicant must be a California resident who is planning to attend a California public community college or university, and who is the child of a veteran who has a service-connected disability or who died a service-related death. Annual income, including support from parents, cannot exceed $8,480.
- California
- Other postgraduate-level study, Doctoral-level study, College sophomore, College freshman, College senior, Master's-level study, College junior
- All Majors Eligible
Thomas S. Monson Presidential Scholarship
Award: -
Applicant must be currently attending their final year of high school, be an active and worthy member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and have academic credentials in the multi-year scholarship range on the freshmen matrix (eight semesters full LDS tuition). Admissions materials are required to be submitted.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Heritage Scholarship
Award: $4,560
Applicant must be an incoming freshman student.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Hallmark Scholarship
Award: $3,104
Applicant must be a National Merit, National Hispanic, or National Achievement semifinalist.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Regents Scholarship
Award: $1,544
Selection is based upon cumulative GPA, class rank, and standardized test scores.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Presidential Scholarship
Award: $4,354
Selection is based upon standardized test scores, high school GPA, and class rank.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Presidential Scholarship
Award: $11,500
Applicant must have a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA, minimum composite ACT score of 22 or combined SAT I score of 1010.
- Michigan
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Presidential Scholarship for Community College Graduates
Award: -
Applicant must have a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA and be a resident of Michigan. Applicant must have an associate's degree and/or a minimum of 50 transferable credit hours from a Michigan community college. Maximum 16 semester hours (24 quarter hours) earned at a four-year institution is allowed toward eligibility.
- Michigan
- No Restrictions
- All Majors Eligible
Minority Teachers of Illinois Scholarship
Award: $5,000
Applicant must be a minority student of African-American, Hispanic, Asian-American or Native American origin. Applicant must be enrolled in a teacher education program or curriculum leading to initial teacher certification at a qualified Illinois institution of higher education.
- Illinois
- College senior, College junior, College sophomore
- Education
Pepsi USBC Youth Bowling Championships
Award: $1,550
Applicant must be a member of a USBC local league and qualify through a competition within their state.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College senior, College sophomore
- All Majors Eligible
Spartan Scholarship
Award: $2,500
Applicant must have at least 8 graduate or 12 undergraduate units completed at SJSU with a GPA of 3.0 or better.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College sophomore, College junior, Master's-level study, College senior
- All Majors Eligible
Entering Freshman Scholarship
Award: -
Applicant must be an entering freshmen at the University of Arkansas - Little Rock.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Glenn Terrell Presidential Scholarship
Award: $4,000
Selection is based upon academic excellence as measured by GPA, standardized test scores, and other indicators of scholarly achievement. Financial need is not considered.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman, College junior, College sophomore, College senior
- All Majors Eligible