Art Awards
Applicants must be in grades 7 through 12 in American or Canadian schools and must submit artwork in one of the following categories: art portfolio, animation, ceramics and glass, computer art, design, digital imagery, drawing, mixed media, painting, photography, photography portfolio, printmaking, sculpture or video and film. There are regional and national levels.
- Deadline:
- Varies
- Award type:
- Scholarship
- Renewable
- No
- Awarded anualy:
- Yes
- Unlimited awards:
- No
- Repay required:
- No
- Enrollment level:
- High school senior,High school junior,High school sophomore,High school freshman
- Interests:
- Graphic Design,Arts,Crafts,Family and Consumer Sciences,Sewing,Textiles,Weaving,Cartography,Knitting,Television
- Art:
- Photography,Photogrammetry
Contact Information
Nursing Foundation of Pennsylvania
3605 Vartan Way
Suite 204 Harrisburg, PA 17110 United States
Phone: (717) 827-4369
Fax: 717-657-3796
Sponsor Information
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
557 Broadway New York, NY 10012 United States
Phone: (212) 343-6100
Fax: 212-389-3939