Order Sons of Italy in America National Leadership Grant
Award: $25,000
Applicant must be of Italian heritage and be a full-time student attending or planning on attending an accredited four-year institution who has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities and a distinguished level of scholastic achievement. Recipients will be officially recognized in May at the SIF's National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala in Washington, DC. Monetary awards are presented directly to students' academic institutions in accordance with eligibility requirements.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College freshman, College senior, College sophomore
- All Majors Eligible
Entrance Scholarship
Award: $15,000
Applicant must be an incoming first-year student. Selection based upon portfolio rating, GPA, and SAT Reasoning/ACT score.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship
Award: $2,500
Applicant must be current member of the NAACP and must not have reached the age of 25 by the application deadline. Applicant must be a citizen of the United States and be enrolled in an accredited college or university in the United States. Undergraduate students must be full-time with a GPA of at least 2.5 (C+). Graduate students may be full or part-time with a GPA of 3.0 (B). Applicant must demonstrate financial need. Renewal of the Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship is competitive. Please refer to the NAACP National Website or call the NAACP National Education Department at 410 580-5760 for more information.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman, Master's-level study, College senior, Doctoral-level study, College sophomore, College junior
- All Majors Eligible
Fellowship in Jewish Studies
Award: $10,000
Applicant must have an interest in Jewish studies. Award is to assist well-qualified individuals in carrying out an independent scholarly, literary, or art project, in a field of Jewish specialization which makes a significant contribution to the understanding, preservation, enhancement, or transmission of Jewish culture.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- High school senior
- Jewish/Judaic Studies, Religion/Religious Studies
Doctoral Scholarship
Award: $10,000
Applicant must be a doctoral student specializing in Jewish fields. Priority is given to candidates whose dissertation topics have been approved.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study
- Religion/Religious Studies, Jewish/Judaic Studies
AGBU Fellowships for U.S. Based Study
Award: $7,500
Applicant must be of Armenian heritage, be a full-time graduate student seeking a master's or doctorate degree at a highly- or most-competitive U.S. institution, and have a minimum 3.5 GPA in undergraduate work.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Master's-level study
- Journalism, Print, Medicine (M.D.), International Studies, Journalism and Mass Communication, Other, Journalism, Visual, International/Area Studies, Area, Ethnic and Cultural Studies, Other, Journalism, International Relations, Public Administration, Pre-Medicine, Education Administration and Supervision, General, Journalism and Mass Communication, Law (LL.B., J.D.), Radio/Television
Anna and Charles Stockwitz Children and Youth Loan
Award: $6,000
Applicant must be Jewish, be a resident of the San Francisco Bay area, and have a cosigner who resides in the Bay area.
- San Francisco
- College sophomore, College junior, Master's-level study, Other postgraduate-level study, College senior, College freshman, Doctoral-level study
- All Majors Eligible
Vivienne Camp College Scholarship
Award: $4,350
Applicant must be Jewish, reside in Marin County, San Francisco County, San Mateo County, or Sonoma County, Calif., and demonstrate academic achievement, promise, and financial need
- Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Sonoma
- College senior, College freshman, College junior, College sophomore
- All Majors Eligible
Jacob Rassen Memorial Scholarship
Award: $1,900
Applicant must be Jewish, be under age 22, demonstrate financial need, and be a resident of Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, or Sonoma County, Calif. Award is for a study trip to Israel.
- Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Sonoma
- College sophomore, Master's-level study, Other postgraduate-level study, College junior, College senior, Doctoral-level study, College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Stanley Olson Youth Scholarship
Award: $2,500
Applicant must be Jewish, be under age 26, demonstrate financial need, and be a resident of Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, or Sonoma County, Calif.
- Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Sonoma
- College senior, College junior, College sophomore, Other postgraduate-level study, Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study, College freshman
- Humanities
Scholarship for Children of Disabled, Deceased, Combat and POW/MIA Veterans
Award: $4,500
Applicant must be the child of a deceased, disabled, or combat veteran or veteran listed as a POW/MIA. The veteran must have been a legal resident of North Carolina at the time of entry into service, or the child must have been born in North Carolina and resided there continuously since birth. Applicant must be attending a school in North Carolina.
- North Carolina
- College freshman, College sophomore, College senior, College junior
- All Majors Eligible
American Legion-Alabama Scholarship
Award: $850
Applicant must be the child or grandchild of a veteran of World War I, World War II, Korean Conflict, Vietnam Conflict, Beirut/Granada Emergency, or Panama Emergency. Applicant must attend an Alabama state-supported college. Self-addressed, stamped envelope is required to receive application.
- Alabama
- College senior, College junior, College sophomore, College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Outstanding Senior Baseball Player Scholarship
Award: $1,500
Applicant must be a participant in the Iowa American Legion Baseball Tournament and portray outstanding sportsmanship, team play, and athletic ability. Selection is by the State Baseball Committee.
- Iowa
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Oratorical Speech Scholarship Contest
Award: $1,500
Applicant must be a finalist in the oratorical contest.
- Michigan
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Oratorical Contest Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Applicant must be a winner of the Nebraska Department Oratorical Contest.
- Nebraska
- College freshman
- English/English Literature
Medical and Teaching Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Applicant must be a high school senior or graduate under 20 years of age, a New York state resident, the child or grandchild of a veteran, and be pursuing a career in medical or teaching fields.
- New York
- College freshman
- Pre-Medicine, Education, Medicine (M.D.)
Verne R. Dapp Memorial Scholarship
Award: $3,000
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident enrolled in a course of study relating to a degree in nuclear science and technology. Applicant must be sponsored by an ANS local section, division, student branch, committee member or organization member.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study
- Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear/Nuclear Power Tech./Technician
Dental Student Scholarships
Award: $2,500
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Selection is based upon financial need, academic achievement, and personal and professional goals. Two reference forms from two dental school representatives (i.e., professor or academic advisor) in support of the application must be submitted as part of the application form.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College junior, College sophomore, College senior
- Dentistry (D.D.S., D.M.D.)
Halton Foundation/Caterpillar Matching Grant
Award: $4,500
Applicant must be employed by the Halton Company.
- Washington, Oregon
- College sophomore, College freshman
- Diesel Technology
Maxine Williams Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Selection is based upon interest in and a commitment to a career in medical assisting, financial need, academic ability, and demonstration of involvement in school and community. Award is limited to individuals enrolled in a post-secondary program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). Students studying other allied health professions or planning to enter medical school are not eligible.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman, College sophomore
- Medical Assistant
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship
Award: $2,500
Applicant must be the child of a Navy Supply Corps Officer (including Warrant) or associated supply enlisted ratings on active duty, in reserve status, retired-with-pay, or deceased, and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Selection is based upon scholastic ability, character, leadership, and financial need.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman, College senior, College sophomore, College junior
- All Majors Eligible
NYS Regents Awards for Children of Deceased and Disabled Veterans
Award: $450
Applicant must be enrolled full time in a New York state school or college, be a New York resident at the start of the term for which payment is requested, and be the child of a veteran who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during specified periods of war or national emergency, and, as a result of service, died or suffered a 40% or more disability, was a POW, or is currently classified as MIA. Veteran parent must have been a New York resident at the time of entry into service or at death.
- New York
- High school sophomore, High school junior, High school freshman, College sophomore, College senior, College freshman, College junior, High school senior
- All Majors Eligible
Memorial Scholarship for Families of Deceased Police Officers, Firefighters, Peace Officers, and Emergency Medical Service Workers
Award: -
Applicant must be the child or spouse of a New York police officer, firefighter, or peace officer and a New York resident attending a New York school at the start of the term for which payment is requested. Parent must have died as a result of injury sustained in the line of duty. Award is actual tuition cost or SUNY undergraduate tuition, whichever is less.
- New York
- College sophomore, College senior, College freshman, College junior
- All Majors Eligible
Sarah Bradley Tyson Memorial Fellowship
Award: $1,000
Applicant must be a woman who is properly qualified and has proven ability by several years experience. Awards are made in recognition of leadership in cooperative extension work and initiative in scientific research. Applicant must submit a letter of application, plan of study, testimonials of character, ability, personality, small recent photograph, and scholarship, theses, papers or reports, and a certificate from the registrar of degrees awarded.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study, College senior
- Agriculture, Agriculture/Natural Resources, Horticulture Science
Suburban Hospital Casey Scholarships
Award: $5,000
Applicant must be a current employee who is enrolled in a nursing or allied health (e.g. radiology technology, respiratory therapy, medical technology, physical therapy, physical therapy assistant, occupational therapy, or physician assistant) undergraduate program or a non-employee who is enrolled in a nursing program leading to a B.S.N. or higher. Minimum 2.5 GPA, two letters of recommendation, transcript, and letter of acceptance/good standing required. Award requires a work commitment at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, MD, upon completion of degree program.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Other postgraduate-level study, Master's-level study, College junior, College senior, Doctoral-level study
- Medical Radiologic Tech./Technician, Physical Therapy Assistant, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Allied Health Professions, Nursing, Other, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Allied Health Sciences, Medical Technology, Respiratory Therapy Technician
Full-time Employee Scholarship
Award: $600
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen and a full-time aviation career employee. Part-time study must be directed toward enhancing job skills.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Master's-level study, College junior, College sophomore, College senior, Doctoral-level study, College freshman
- Aviation and Airway Science, Aerospace/Aeronautical Science
Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Award
Award: $15,000
Applicant must be a high school senior who is a citizen of the United States. Selection is based upon scholarship, leadership, and financial need.
- United States
- High school senior
- All Majors Eligible
National Honor Society Scholarship
Award: $13,000
Applicant must be a high school senior with a minimum 3.0 GPA who is a member in good standing of their NHS chapter and has been nominated by his or her local chapter. Each National Honor Society chapter may nominate two applicants based on leadership, scholarship, character, and service. Contact your local National Honor Society adviser for further information.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- High school senior
- All Majors Eligible
California Farm Bureau Scholarship
Award: $2,750
Selection is based upon scholastic achievement, career goals, leadership skills, and determination. Scholarship must be used at a four-year college or university in California.
- California
- No Restrictions
- Agriculture/Natural Resources
Albert W. Dent Scholarship
Award: $5,000
Applicant must be a minority who is a full-time student entering the fall term of their final year of classroom work in a healthcare management graduate program. Applicant must be a student associate of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Financial aid must be demonstrated.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Master's-level study, Doctoral-level study
- Healthcare Management