And the Blogging Scholarship Winner is…..
Kimberley Klein
Grand Prize – $10,000
Congratulations Kimberley!
She’ll be in Las Vegas on November 8th to accept the award as part of the Blog World and New Media Expo.
The two runners up, Jess Kim and Shelley Batts, will each be awarded $1,000.
The remaining 7 finalists in the top 10 will be sent a $100 award for their participation. This includes:
- Thomas Peters
- Matthew Burden
- Grant Brisbee
- Paul Stamatiou
- Shane Lavalette
- Stephanie Collins
- Karin Dalziel

October 29th, 2007 at 2:05 pm
[…] Congratulations to Kim Klein, the grand prize winner! She’ll have a nice $10,000 to help her get her law degree! […]
October 29th, 2007 at 8:28 pm
[…] So, in the end, I finished at #10 in the blogging competition. I get $100. Hey, it’s nothing to sneeze at. […]
October 30th, 2007 at 1:13 am
[…] Shelley Batts, who came in second place, shares her thoughts on the post-game results. She’s one of the friendliest (not to mention smartest) bloggers I got to know from the contest, so do give her a read (then come back here). […]
November 5th, 2007 at 6:58 pm
[…] College Scholarships.Org recently announced the winners of their recent Blogging Scholarship. This contest is a great example of how students can turn hobbies into a financial advantage for college and shows that sometimes you can be recognized for doing things you might have done anyway. Reading the commentary by the top ranked bloggers, it seems like this contest was a great source of inspiration and got them thinking about new and creative ways to promote their websites. A lot of the finalists and winners reported that their website traffic has increased and they’ve made a lot of new connections. […]